Our Story...
Hey y'all, I'm so glad your here!!! It’s with a grateful heart that we welcome you to RAM and Co. and are so excited to share with you how we began...
Ryan and I are raising our 2 kiddos running a cattle ranch and have still somehow made time to also work on fulfilling our dreams. This entire business was born completely out of a dream I've been fostering for a few years, yet I didn’t realize it could ever become a reality, especially in one of our most trying times. Honestly, it's only because a fiercely faithful, daring and determined husband pushed me to pursue my dream that it ever came to be. And now we're blessed to introduce and welcome you to RAM and Co.
Our property, RAM Ranch, stands for Ryan Aubree Maddock, which is us! RAM Ranch was established in the Spring of 2014, however the property has history dating back to the early 1900's. Our beautiful old red barn was built between 1900-1910, it's one of the treasures we have here on the ranch. We had dreams for what this property could be and what this land was capable of. With time, dedication and a tremendous amount of sweat, tears, blood and even a few stitches; here we are.
It was just over 1 year ago that I decided to take a risk and introduce our lifestyle brand with RAM and Co. It's been such a fun addition and brings me a lot of joy to be able to share fashion with YOU that makes you feel good and hopefully lifts your spirits. Y'all are beautiful & matter, always remember that!!!
Thank y'all so much for making time in your day to check us out and learn more about who we are and what we stand for. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or comments, email is the best way to reach us at ramandco.us@gmail.com.
Faithful + Fierce,
Ryan & Aubree